When it comes to leaving jail while awaiting your trial, bail is your way out. Getting out on bail though depends upon a variety of different circumstances. If you have been arrested, it is important to understand the various factors that will impact your bail and bail amount.

Factor #1: The Criminal Charge

The first factor the judge will take into consideration is the actual crime you were arrested for. The type of crime and the circumstances of the crime will have a big impact on if you are granted bail and the bail amount. If the crime is considered a low-level crime, the bail amount is more likely to be lower. If the crime is considered a high-level crime, the bail amount is more likely to be high. If the crime is violent, then the bail amount is going to be higher, and your chances of being granted bail are lower. In some states, there are guidelines that dictate bail amounts based on the charges you are facing.

Factor #2: The Evidence

The second factor the judge is going to consider is the evidence the prosecution has against you. The prosecutor can let the judge know about the type and amount of evidence they have against you. In some cases, if the evidence is strong, the judge may determine that you could be a flight risk based on the case that the prosecution has against you, which could result in a higher bail amount or your bail being denied.

Factor #3: Previous Behavior

Your previous behavior matters. If you don't have a criminal record at all, chances are, the judge is going to set an affordable bail amount. If you faced charges decades ago, the judge could be more lenient. However, if you recently faced criminal charges, the judge may be less likely to let you out on bail. Or if you skipped out on bail in the past, your chances of being granted bail may be less.

Factor #4: Community Behavior

Finally, your community behavior and how you are held in the community matter. If you are a respected member of your community, you are more likely to get a lower bail amount. For example, if you are a business owner or if you are an important volunteer at a local organization, that information could be presented and could help you secure a lower bail. Showing you are an invested member of the community can help you seem like less of a flight risk, which can help you secure a lower bail.When you are arrested, the judge will take a variety of factors into consideration in order to figure out if they should grant you bail and, if so, how much the amount should be.

To learn more about getting out on bail, reach out to a professional bail bonds agent near you.
